Coptera silvestrii (Kieffer)
See Coptera genus page for additional information.
Taxonomic History / Nomenclature
Galesus (Schizogalesus) silvestrii Kieffer, 1913: 91. Original description.
Galesus silvestrii: Silvestri 1913: 123. Redescription.
Galesus silvestrii: Silvestri 1914: 116. English translation of Silvestri (1913).
Galesus silvestrii: Kieffer 1916: 204. Keyed; 225. Redescription.
Galesus silvestrii: Nixon 1930: 401, 402, 411. Redescription, keyed.
Galesus silvestrii: Risbec 1950: 534, 535, 540. Variation, keyed.
Galesus silvestrii: Risbec 1953: 550. Diagnosis, variation.
Galesus silvestrii: Risbec 1954: 542. Keyed.
Psilus silvestrii: Masner 1965: 38. Type information, generic transfer.
Psilus silvestrii: Sundholm 1970: 325. Variation.
Coptera silvestrii: Johnson 1992: 153. Cataloged.
Galesus silvestrii: Silvestri 1913: 123. Redescription.
Galesus silvestrii: Silvestri 1914: 116. English translation of Silvestri (1913).
Galesus silvestrii: Kieffer 1916: 204. Keyed; 225. Redescription.
Galesus silvestrii: Nixon 1930: 401, 402, 411. Redescription, keyed.
Galesus silvestrii: Risbec 1950: 534, 535, 540. Variation, keyed.
Galesus silvestrii: Risbec 1953: 550. Diagnosis, variation.
Galesus silvestrii: Risbec 1954: 542. Keyed.
Psilus silvestrii: Masner 1965: 38. Type information, generic transfer.
Psilus silvestrii: Sundholm 1970: 325. Variation.
Coptera silvestrii: Johnson 1992: 153. Cataloged.
A detailed description of Coptera silvestrii is provided by Yoder and Wharton (2002).
No referenced distribution records have been added to the database for this OTU.
Identification of Species and Subspecies
The subspecies Coptera silvestrii nigricornis (Nixon, 1930) fits the description of C. silvestrii with the exception of 2 features it shares with C. robustior: the apex of the male fore wing is not emarginate, and the male fore wing is not strongly folded (Nixon 1930, Yoder and Wharton 2002).
Biology / Hosts
The following host records, still in need of confirmation, are reported in Silvestri (1913) and Silvestri (1914):
Collected from Ceratitis anonae Graham infesting “Aberia” (plant identity uncertain), Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) infesting Chrysobalanus ellipticus Sol. ex Sabine (Chrysobalanaceae), and Trirhithrum nigerrimum (Bezzi) infesting coffee.
Cultivated on Ceratitis colae Silvestri, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), Dacus bivittatus (Bigot), and Ceratitis capitata.
Collected from Ceratitis anonae Graham infesting “Aberia” (plant identity uncertain), Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) infesting Chrysobalanus ellipticus Sol. ex Sabine (Chrysobalanaceae), and Trirhithrum nigerrimum (Bezzi) infesting coffee.
Cultivated on Ceratitis colae Silvestri, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), Dacus bivittatus (Bigot), and Ceratitis capitata.
The following host records (all confirmed) are reported in Clausen et al. (1965):
Collected from Ceratitis simi Munro infesting Acokanthera schimperi (A.DC.) Schweinf. and from Ceratitis contramedia (Munro) and Dacus spp. infesting Warburgia spp. and cultivated cucurbits, respectively, in Kenya. Also reared from guava infested with Ceratitis rosa Karsch and medfly in South Africa.
Biological Control
Introduced to Hawai’i in 1913 by Silvestri for control of Mediterranean fruit fly (Silvestri 1913).